Becoming a Spirit Rebel with Tara Disch

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Tara Disch calls herself a Spirit Rebel and approaches life differently than most. She believes in creating a sacred container for your deep healing and soul agreement. One that allows you to uproot subconscious blocks and heal, breaking the cycle, honoring the journey and embodying your healing. One that brings your intuition alive and calls in your soul squad and your highest self so that you can experience massive transformation. She believes in getting real by getting to know the real you, the unique you that lies beneath the daily to-do’s and running around.

Tara also calls herself an imperfect mama of two, who keeps it real while sharing her healing and story. For a long time, she felt stuck, broken and unworthy, and now she helps other women heal those mindsets and wounds. Her catalyst for change was fitness, which led to her curiosity about wellness practices, spirituality and alignment. Like many of us, she felt disconnected, ungrounded, full of guilt and shame and unworthy of success. She embraces living a life she desires and has found that reaching outside yourself for love, health and happiness is an unfulfilling path. Finding those things inside is where true joy and contentment lie. 

Tara feels compelled to help build a sisterhood of support and connection. She is a wellness visionary, yoga instructor, movement enthusiast and transformational mentor. Be sure to check out her website, especially her workshops and events, if you are seeking a bit more inner peace and self-love.

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In this Episode of The Rooted Family Podcast…

  • When I had my daughter really, it was sort of a turning point for me in my life. I had an older son who was five years older at the time, and so it was like starting over for me, which was really difficult. It was really hard. I had forgotten what being a mom to a newborn was like. And I'm sure a lot of moms out there can relate to this. I really lost myself. I lost who I was. I lost my opinions. I lost my voice. I really didn't know who I was anymore. And I just had this feeling like I felt really isolated and alone, and I just knew something needed to change. (10:43)

  • So often, social media is the glossy photo of what it's supposed to look like. And you were showing up and saying, this happened to me today or here's how I'm feeling today. And I think that's where I started to connect to you I'm always looking for those authentic people who will say how it is. And so when you showed up and that, I was like, that is a girl I could hang out with and have a real conversation. Right. (13:26)

  • You want people to like you like, and I'm a perfectionist and a people pleaser, like my nature, who I am. And I've learned how to take those things and turn them into something really positive. But I think it's really, you know, it's kind of stepping back like this kindness to yourself, which as moms we put on the back burner. (20:49)

  • I feel like when you do this in our work and you're willing to step outside of your default thinking and kind of start expanding and opening yourself up to different thoughts and beliefs. Because I mean, listen, we're, we are, are, some of the beliefs that we have aren't really even our own, right? It's like society's belief or it's what our mom and dad told us when we were young or someone from, you know, just someone in our lives. And we just decided that we had to believe that. But when you do this work, you get really intentional about what you do believe. And that includes what you think about yourself. What about yourself, your life, others, family, relationships, money, all of it, you know, and you figure out what your truth really is. And that makes decision making so much easier. Speaker 3: (21:07)

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After listening to this podcast, what are you beliefs or habits that hold you back from moving forward with who you are and want to be?

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