The Rooted Family

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How to be a Better Parent: 10 Self-Reflection Questions

How to be a better parent? Self reflect.

If you’re looking for more information on how to be a better parent, let me give you a high five and say you’re already doing it. You’re taking steps to say you want it to look different. That’s the biggest step. And let’s be real, it’s probably not as bad as you think it is, but this will give you a good start when it comes to parenting self-reflection.

Self-reflection can be an amazing tool for helping you understand where you were or are, and propelling you to where you want to go - especially when it comes to parenting. Self-reflection is key to personal growth, but it is a skill that modern-day society doesn’t always embrace. To truly move forward, we need to be clear about where we are and how we feel. Only when we are honest and objective with who we are, can we make the change necessary to become the people we were meant to be.  

Below is the list of questions I like to ask myself whenever I feel I need to check in with myself, my children and my spouse. When I start to feel unbalanced in life, this list of questions helps me quickly access exactly where I might be feeling off. Is it a personal issue, a connection issue or possibly a learning and growth issue that is weighing on my mind and heart? 

As parents, we question ourselves constantly, but it’s often through a negative lens. These reflective questions are meant to be honest but not self-depreciative, to reflect your place of center in parenting. My wish for every parent is that these questions lead you to be a better parent. That they remind you of your parenting goals and let you know if you have gone off course or become distracted from an area of you identify as important. I believe self-reflection time can help us all parent better.

” Honest self-reflection opens your mind to reprogramming, change, success, and freedom.” — Unknown

10 Self-Reflection Questions to Help You Be a Better Parent

  • What top five values do I feel most compelled to teach my children? 

  • What life skills would I like my children to develop this year?

  • Do I parent more from consistent logical consequences and communication or emotional reaction?

  • What are the most significant things in each of my kids’ hearts?

  • How am I doing when it comes to building a deep connection with my children?

  • How well do my partner (or co-parent) and I work as a parenting team?

  • Am I setting aside time for myself and taking adequate rest? Am I carving out quiet play for my children so that my children see peace in my home?

  • How authentically do I speak with my kids? Am I building a bridge of trust and security through my honesty and openness with them?

  •  Are my children currently more givers or takers? Do they look for ways to give back to others independent of my insistence?

  • Is there a true feeling of gratitude in my heart for my family? Do my kids currently exhibit gratitude consistently?

If you feel as though you need some help or direction in your parenting, please check out our SEL kits. They are great resources to help you navigate all the trials and tribulations of parenting. It’s a great way to build your parent toolkit.