The Rooted Family

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12 Minute Mindful Reset Guided Meditation

Have you ever thought about meditation as a way to help you reach your goals?

Where are you at right now with your goals? Are you striving to reach them each day or are you overwhelmed? Maybe you’re actually underwhelmed? Maybe you wake up each day ready to dive in or maybe you’re more likely to try to pull the covers up over your head.

I bet if you are like me, you constructed some statements at the end of the year or the very beginning of the year that began with, “This year, ….” and ended with you changing something about yourself or your relationships with others. Even if you haven’t actually spoken the words out loud or written a manifesto, my guess is you have had some internal dialogue with yourself about the changes you want to make in your life.

Ah, resolutions. They almost never work.

You can pack all the punch you have into a wish of big change in your future, but a wish is just a wish. People tell us all the time to reach for the stars, but how do we get close enough to grab them? What makes some people succeed in swinging on a star and others feel like they have fallen into a black hole.

Self-awareness, mapping steps and creating new, productive habits will get you to where you want to be. Self-awareness is key to navigating to your goals and there is nothing like a quiet guided meditation to strengthen your self-awareness.

I created this guided meditation for you and for me! It’s meant to help us supercharge ourselves and grow more self-aware every day. It’s a four-part meditation that can be done at any time of the year. Each part is only three minutes and if you can’t do all 12 minutes in a row, break it up and do a segment at a time throughout your day. Whenever I need to center myself and check in, because I feel like I am off course, this 12 Minute Mindful Reset Guided Meditation always gets me back on track. Download the printable below and hang on to it when you want to pull it out.

Challenge: Consistency is key to getting you primed and ready for creating real change in your life. See if you can do this every day for two weeks. You will absolutely gain clarity on where you are going and how you’re going to get there. 

12 Minute Mindful Reset Guided Meditation

See this form in the original post

    Spend three minutes taking deep breaths. Just in and out. Every time your mind flutters to what you should be doing or how someone is feeling regarding your absence, breathe right through that thought and come back to your breathing.


    If you are not used to just breathing, this step may be more comfortable to you, but still don’t skip step one. Take at least three minutes and intentionally feel gratitude for your family. Go through each person in your mind and thank them for something they have to show you or done for you by being themselves. Something you know has made you better for knowing them.


    Spend at least three more minutes acknowledging all the love and support you give your family and thank yourself for giving of yourself. If this is hard for you, just go through a regular day in your mind, and every moment that you do something for someone else in your day, pause and tell yourself, “nice job!” or picture you high fiving yourself.


    Dream about what you want to do in this life, where you want to go, who you want to be, what you want for your family, your children, your lives together. Play out the most amazing life you can imagine and walk through it as if it were really happening. Get detailed in how wonderful it would be. This helps give your brain a goal to strive for. No dream is too big for your brain!

A perfect family activity.

Teach your family how to supercharge themselves because who doesn’t want their kiddos taking 12 minutes to do 1-4 on the daily? Aren’t these things what you are trying to instill in their hearts and brains anyway? Teaching my kids to be their best selves starts with me taking 12 minutes to be mine. And if your kids are younger or are not used to sitting in quiet, start with 4 minutes, one minute for each item and work your way up. You can all lay on the floor, grass, couch or chairs together, and if you’d like, close your eyes and move through the steps as a unit.